Search Documentation
Anything written in the search box will be matched against these fields:
- Meaning
- Literal (e.g. typing 休 will show itself)
- Similars (e.g. typing 休 will show 体)
- Variants (e.g. typing 水 will show 氵 and 氺 as variants)
- On-yomi reading (e.g. typing "ben" or "べん")
- Kun-yomi reading (e.g. typing "kureru" will show kanjis with reading and ku.reru).
- Meaning of components (e.g. typing "sun" or "temple" to find 時)
- Words (e.g. typing "benkyou" or "べんきょう" will show 勉 and 強)
For meanings, on-yomi readings and kun-yomi readings the default search mode is to try and match the query exactly.
- For example, when searching for "water" only Kanji where one of the meanings (case-insensitive, i.e. "Water" would also match) is exactly "water".
- Searching for "*water" also brings everything that ends with "water", like "breakwater".
- Searching for "water*" also brings results starting with "water", like "waterfall".
- Searching for "*water*" brings results where "water" is contained anywhere, like "be watered".
The same works for readings: ka or か do exact match, while ka* or か*would also bring "katsu".
You can cross multiple searches by using a "+" between them.
For example, "sun + soil" will bring up a list named "Containing 日 + Containing 土", which will result in 時.
"ka + person + soil" will bring a list named "By On-Yomi + Containing 亻 + Containing 土", resulting in 佳.